UI/UX designer: a deep dive into the profession

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By Alisée F
Head of Digital Development and Events
We had the pleasure of interviewing Sylvere, UI/UX designer at Inforca for almost 2 years. In fact, he's the reason Inforca has its own website! His career path, his achievements, emerging trends in web design... In the course of this interview, Sylvere describes his day-to-day work and how he contributes to creating ergonomic experiences.
Published on, 9 Jul 2024

Hello Sylvere! Thank you for answering our questions about your job as a UI/UX designer. To begin with, could you describe your role? What made you decide to become one?

Hello ! Yes, of course. In a few words, I propose graphic and ergonomic solutions to create or improve websites and mobile applications. I used to be a graphic designer working for print magazines. Then I trained in web design and moved into UX/UI design.

I see! Can you share a few examples of projects you're particularly proud of? What were the objectives of these projects and how did you achieve them?

In particular, I was able to help redesign the Inforca website to make it more modern and easier to use. I also worked on several sites for the Government of Monaco, which had the same objective. To achieve this, we worked as a team, setting up workshops and tests... It was a long process that took 6 months to complete, but it was necessary!

More details on these projects

réalisation site carabiniers monaco

Creation of the Prince's Government Carabinieri website

Find out more about Inforca's project to create the Government of Monaco's Carabinieri website. Our mission was to create an intuitive and informative portal, highlighting the Company for the public.
réalisation site école monaco

Overhaul of the Government of Monaco's National Education websites

Find out more about our project to overhaul the National Education websites for the Monaco Government, an initiative to modernise and optimise the websites of secondary schools and schools.

That's right! And during this process, how do you ensure a fluid and intuitive user experience in your designs? Can you explain the user interface design process?

"For a fluid and intuitive experience, you first have to ask yourself the (right) questions and do some research. What is the purpose of the site/application? Who uses it? When is it used? On what device?"

Ergonomics (or UX, if you prefer) is the first stage of every project. It is also possible to create personas, user flows, study competing solutions, etc. Then comes the visual part (the UI ). At this stage, it is important to work on several proposals to find what works best. It is then possible to test this proposal using a prototype with real users. This enables us to identify the various problems that need to be resolved in order to perfect the interfaces.

A real anthropological question! What does Inforca do for you in your work with clients?

Inforca allows me to work for all kinds of clients: from large companies (such as Engeco and Giraudi ) to cutting-edge technology projects, such as the Monegasque company TickItAll. This variety allows me to experiment with different interface styles, both on mobile and desktop.

Project at a glance

Refonte du site Engeco

Redesign of the Engeco website

Real estate

Inforca contributed its technical expertise to the development of the Engeco S.A.M. website, creating a modern, functional interface highlighting Engeco's flagship projects and expertise in Monegasque construction.

What do you think are the most interesting emerging trends in web design?

We're seeing more and more colourful sites, brands daring to use strong graphic identities and large, stylised typography. I think that, little by little, clean, minimalist design is coming to the end of the road.

"From now on, you have to stand out and be recognisable straight away.

Thank you for your answers. Finally, how do you see your role as a UI/UX designer evolving over the next few years?

Once I've gained enough experience, I'd like to become a Lead UI, i.e. responsible for developing the user interface and all the coordination between the teams. Otherwise, I'd like to diversify the devices I work with. Why not work with connected objects, watches or embedded systems in cars or shops? There's no shortage of choices!

Interview by Alisée F, Digital Development and Events Manager at Inforca, with Sylvere M, UI/UX designer at Inforca's digital agency.

Your UX design project with Inforca

Do you have a website creation or graphic redesign project? We can support you from the design of the website to the implementation of the UX/UI strategy.