partenaire inforca extended monaco fonds bleu

Monaco Blue Fund: financing for your digital projects

The Blue Fund, part of the Extended Monaco programme, supports digital projects in Monaco. Find out if your project is eligible and how our digital agency can help you implement your digital solutions.
Published on, 19 Dec 2024

What is the Monaco Blue Fund?

Origin and context of the Blue Fund

The Blue Fund is an initiative of the Prince's Government as part of the Extended Monaco for Business programme. Launched in 2020, this initiative aims to support the digital transition of companies in the Principality by providing them with financial resources.

Objectives of the Blue Fund

The aim of the Monaco Blue Fund is to transform the Principality's economic ecosystem into a model of modernity and digital innovation. By financing up to 70% of eligible projects, this scheme supports companies in technological innovation. The Blue Fund is helping to position Monaco as a key player in digital transformation on an international scale.

The phases of the Blue Fund

First phase (2020-2024)

Launched in 2020, the first phase of the Blue Fund has financed projects for more than 700 local businesses, with financial aid totalling €24.3 million. This first phase focused on supporting projects to overhaul websites, improve business management systems, integrate business software and deploy digital tools to optimise internal processes.

Second phase (2024-2025)

The second phase of the Blue Fund, launched in 2024, marks an increase in support for innovation. This phase includes new priorities such as the integration of artificial intelligence, the strengthening of cybersecurity systems, and data protection, particularly as part of the MonacoHealth Security plan.

Blue Fund eligibility criteria

To benefit from the financing offered by the Blue Fund, companies and their projects must meet specific criteria established by the Prince's Government.

Eligible companies

Only companies registered with the Monaco Trade and Industry Register (RCI) are eligible for Blue Fund support. They must be up to date with their legal, tax and social obligations.

Eligible projects

Projects supported by the Blue Fund must be strategic for the company or have a structuring impact for the company and the Monegasque territory (particularly in terms of the Principality's image or jobs). These include :

  • Projects aimed at increasing efficiency and productivity and optimising cost management. For example, the implementation or improvement of Integrated Management Software Packages (IMP/ERP) to centralise data and automate operations.
  • Projects designed to improve sales or the management of relations with third parties, such as the deployment of a CRM or the development of an e-commerce platform connected to management tools.
  • Data security or regulatory compliance projects, such as a cybersecurity plan, the implementation of a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) or the integration of a multifactor authentication (MFA) system.
  • Projects to expand new uses, such as developing solutions based on artificial intelligence to simplify processes, improve productivity or offer new services.

Ineligible projects

Certain types of project are not covered by the Blue Fund, in particular:

  • The purchase of IT equipment.
  • Visibility campaigns (SEA, Google Ads, etc.).
  • The creation of a graphic charter or the production of content.
  • The redesign of a showcase website with no economic flow.
  • Any revised version of a project already financed by the Blue Fund.
Do you have a website creation project? Get a free quote

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Financing arrangements

Co-financing rates

The Monaco Blue Fund operates on a co-financing principle covering up to 70% of the pre-tax costs of digital projects. The exact percentage may vary depending on the nature and structure of the project and the beneficiary company. We recommend that companies contact the organisation directly to determine the applicable co-financing rate.

Financing ceilings

The maximum amount of aid varies according to the size and age of the company:

  • 150,000 maximum for established companies with a history of activity.
  • A maximum of €50,000 for companies generating sales in excess of €10 million.
  • 30,000 maximum for start-ups less than 12 months old.

Conditions for using the funds

Beneficiary companies must ensure that the funding is used exclusively for the expenditure provided for in the validated project. Any change to the scope or objectives of the project must be justified and approved by the Blue Fund Management Committee.

Application procedure

Étape 1

Formulaire d’autodiagnostic

Compléter le questionnaire d’autodiagnostic numérique. Ce document permet d’évaluer la maturité numérique de l’entreprise et de définir les axes prioritaires d’amélioration. Il constitue une étape préalable essentielle avant la soumission de la demande.

Étape 2

Dossier de candidature

Préparer un dossier détaillé. Le dossier doit inclure :

  • Une description précise du projet, de ses objectifs et de ses bénéfices attendus.
  • Un budget détaillé précisant les dépenses éligibles.
  • Les documents administratifs nécessaires, notamment ceux attestant que l’entreprise est à jour de ses obligations légales, fiscales et sociales.
Étape 3

Envoi du dossier à l'Administration

Soumettre la demande via le téléservice dédié. Une fois le dossier complété, la soumission se fait en ligne sur la plateforme officielle du Fonds Bleu.

Assessment criteria

Each project is evaluated by a specialised committee on the basis of several criteria:

  • Its consistency with the Blue Fund's strategic objectives.
  • Its added value for the company and the Monegasque territory (job creation, economic impact, innovation).
  • The technical and financial viability of the project.

Processing times

Once a complete application has been submitted, the processing time is approximately three months. This includes examination of the eligibility criteria, technical validation and approval by the management committee.

Monitoring applications

After validation, rigorous monitoring is carried out to ensure that the funds allocated are used in accordance with the commitments made. Any changes to the project must be reported and justified to the Blue Fund managers.

Resources and useful contacts

Useful links for downloading official documents

On the official Blue Fund website, you can consult information on the eligibility criteria, funding arrangements and eligible projects.
Official website of the Blue Fund - Government of Monaco

Download the documents required for your application here :
Model application file

Useful contact for any questions or assistance

  • Email:
  • Telephone: +377 98 98 96 55

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