Inforca présente le design Qualifio

Inforca & Qualifio partnership

Inforca présente le design Qualifio

What is Qualifio?

Qualifio is the European first- and zero-party data collection platform for B2C brands. It enables marketing teams to get to know their audiences through interactive and gamified experiences, encouraging ongoing engagement with their brand.

Inforca présente le tableau Qualifio

Key features of Qualifio

  • Creation of over 50 interactive formats such as quizzes, games, surveys, competitions, tests, etc.
  • Development of reward programmes using gamification elements (dashboards, levels, badges, points, etc.).
  • RGPD-compliant first-party and zero-party data collection thanks to dedicated functionalities.
  • Design of high-performance forms and opt-ins.
  • Monitoring of overall and campaign statistics.
  • Analysis of statistics by participant.
  • Integration available between Qualifio and all other data and marketing tools.
  • Control over production costs.
  • Accessible without specific technical skills.
Request a demonstration

Discover Qualifio's functionalities. This demonstration will enable us to identify potential synergies between our services and discuss opportunities for future collaboration.

Benefits of this collaboration for Inforca customers

Thanks to Qualifio, Inforca's customers benefit from interactive tools to captivate their audience and reward their engagement, strengthening the relationship between brands and their customers. This collaboration facilitates the creation of personalised campaigns that improve user engagement and the collection of valuable data.

Finally, this synergy between Inforca and Qualifio simplifies the integration of data and marketing tools, enabling efficient campaign management while remaining RGPD compliant. This represents a global solution for improving customer engagement and optimising marketing strategies.

Discover the Qualifio solution in video