Fiche métier - prompt engineer

Prompt Engineer

The Prompt Engineer designs and optimises instructions to guide artificial intelligences so that they produce responses tailored to a given need.
Prompt Engineer

Role of the Prompt Engineer

The Prompt Engineer is a specialist whose job is to design prompts (precise instructions) to guide artificial intelligences (AI) such as ChatGPT and MidJourney to produce relevant responses. Working on various types of interface, such as chatbots or content generation systems, the Prompt Engineer ensures that each request sent to the AI via a dialogue interface is understood and processed efficiently.

Their expertise guarantees high-quality results tailored to the specific needs of users or a company department.

What is a prompt?

A prompt is an instruction or command given to an artificial intelligence (AI) to tell it what is expected of it. Think of a prompt as a question you would ask a friend for information or help. Prompts can vary in complexity, from a simple sentence to more detailed instructions including specific contexts or technical data. The aim is to communicate with the AI so that it produces precise and relevant responses.

Prompt Engineer tasks

  • Designs accurate prompts to guide the AI using generative AI models (ChatGPT and/or MidJourney).
  • It adjusts and optimises the prompts to improve the quality of responses.
  • It analyses the results generated by the AI to assess their relevance and consistency.
  • He/she works with the development teams to integrate AI into applications.
  • They monitor technological developments to keep abreast of advances in generative AI.

Is the Prompt Engineer's sole mission to optimise AI responses? No, not at all! The real challenge is to make AI useful in everyday life: by refining prompts, you can generate code faster than an experienced developer, manage complex files with precision, or write documents and emails more efficiently. There are a multitude of tasks that AI can simplify and automate, and the role of the Prompter is to ensure that AI performs at its best in these areas.

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Fiche métier - prompt engineer

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Prompt Engineer skills

Technical skills

The Prompt Engineer understands the main models of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Machine Learning. They have knowledge of algorithms and are comfortable with development mechanisms. In addition, they are proficient in natural language processing ( NLP ) and language models ( LLM ), to design and optimise prompts for generative AI.

Soft skills

The Prompt Engineer has a great ability to listen, which enables him or her to gather together the needs of different professions and find the answers with an appropriate prompt. In addition to their dialogue skills, these AI specialists have a strong capacity for analysis and synthesis. They are rigorous and methodical, with a sense of organisation and a structured mind. They pay attention to detail to avoid errors and guarantee the quality of the solutions developed.

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Prompt Engineer education and training

To become a Prompt Engineer, you need to have completed 5 years of higher education, specialising in Artificial Intelligence. Students must have a basic knowledge of programming, data processing and AI algorithms and models.

You can start with a bachelor's degree (Bac +3), then go on to a master's degree in AI or data sciences (Bac +5) and possibly a specialised master's degree (Bac +6). Recruiters also appreciate engineering school degrees with a major in AI.

At university, there are several master's courses at Bac +5 level that may be suitable:

  • Master's degree in Computer Science, specialising in databases and artificial intelligence,
  • Master's degree in Computer Science, course in Artificial Intelligence,
  • Master's degree in Computer Science, course in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science,
  • Master's in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence track,
  • Master's in Cognitive Science, Cognitive Engineering, Interaction and Artificial Intelligence.

When choosing your school, make sure that the diploma awarded is recognised by a ministry or registered with the RNCP (Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles).

Career development

The Prompt Engineer profession is still new, and as AI-related technologies evolve, it will be able to expand and diversify. Prompt Engineers can go on to become AI consultants, AI project managers, AI architects, user experience (UX) experts or artificial intelligence experts. Thanks to their skills in development and artificial intelligence, they can also become developers.