Fiche métier - webmaster


The webmaster is responsible for ensuring that a website runs smoothly and is kept up to date. They oversee the architecture of the site, the integration of content and the resolution of bugs.
jeune webmaster en entreprise

The webmaster's role

The webmaster is the main editor of the pages on a website. They structure the sections, integrate content (text, images, video) and ensure that any display bugs or browser compatibility problems are resolved. The webmaster works in collaboration with web designers and developers to ensure an optimal user experience.

In addition to these technical aspects, webmasters may also have editorial responsibilities. They use their skills in computer languages to modify structural elements on the site's pages. Depending on the size of the company, the webmaster may be responsible for hosting, SEO, traffic analysis and graphic design.

Tasks of the webmaster

  • Webmasters manage projects to create and update websites, applications, mini-sites, landing pages and intranets.
  • They optimise websites technically to improve their performance, in collaboration with the developers and SEO.
  • They analyse traffic, track user behaviour on the website and carry out user tests.
  • They are responsible for the technical and functional acceptance of new functionalities.
  • They interface with visitors, manage forum moderation and organise competitions and newsletters.

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Webmaster skills

Technical skills

  • Webmasters know how to use the main programming languages HTML, CSS and comprend, as well as other more specific languages: PHP, JavaScript, Flash, XML, ASP.....
  • Mastery of Drupal and WordPress CMS.
  • Uses graphics software (image, video): Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Dreamweaver.
  • He carries out user tests using dedicated tools: Optimize, AB Tasty.
  • He analyses website traffic using Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

Soft Skills

They have good interpersonal skills, enabling them to coordinate the activities of developers, designers and content managers. Webmasters use their creativity and aesthetic sense to improve the ergonomics and visual appeal of websites. Often working under pressure, webmasters know how to manage their time and meet deadlines. They are inquisitive by nature and keep abreast of the latest technological developments and trends in the sector.

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Education and training for webmasters

The training path to becoming a webmaster is varied and flexible, ranging from bac +2 to bac +5. A first professional experience (through internships or sandwich courses) is required to start in this profession. Many webmasters also learn their skills on their own.

Most webmasters come from technical backgrounds in computing or web development. There are several options available after the baccalauréat: BTS in IT, BUT in IT (formerly DUT), professional degrees in communications or IT development, as well as bachelors degrees from specialist schools. Some companies require 5 years' higher education. The qualifications may be a Master's degree with a focus on the web or communication, a computer engineering degree or training at a web school.

Possible career paths for webmasters

With experience, a webmaster can specialise in areas such as web development, digital project management or web design. They can progress to positions such as technical manager or web project manager. Finally, some webmasters choose to go freelance or set up their own web agency, making full use of their expertise.